Quantum Travan TR20

Quantum Travan TR20 Tape Drive

The Seagate internal STT20000 SCSI minicartridge drive extends the Seagate family of one-inch high, DC2000 drives that feature high performance, high reliability, and quiet operation.


The STT20000 SCSI minicartridge drive transfers data at up to 60 megabytes per minute (Mbtyes/min) without data compression.

With optimal system resources available, and with compressible data structures, nominal transfer rates of up to 120 Mbytes/min can be observed using software data compression (assumes 2:1 compression ratio).

An additional feature of the STT20000 SCSI minicartridge drive is an option for Read While Write and Hardware data Compression. These features are available on the NS series (STT20000N-C). Highlights of these features are contained in various parts of this Product Description Manual.

Optimal system resources include but are not limited to:
• Allocating the maximum amount of the base 640-Kbyte memory available
• Not using a memory manager program


Compressed Capacity Up to 20 GB
Native Capacity Up to 10 GB
Recording Format QIC-3220
Interface Type SCSI-2


Min/Max Operating Temp 5 deg C / 45 deg C
Max Operating Humidity 80%
Max Operating Shock 2.5 Gs
Max Non-Operating Shock 100 Gs
Max Operating Vibration .5 G
Max Non-Operating Vibration 1.5 G


Native Sustained Transfer Rate 3.6 GB/hour
Compressed Sustained Transfer Rate up to 7.2 GB/hour
Drum Rotational Speed N/A
Backup Speed 3.6 GB/hour
Compressed Backup Speed up to 7.2 GB/hour
Buffer Memory Size 512kb

Chris Whitehead

Chris Whitehead is a tape drive repair and data storage expert based in Reading, Berkshire, providing tape drive repair and data storage solutions across the UK.