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Tape Drive Repairs UK News Round Up week beginning 3 February 2014

ID-100214069Here’s what’s going around in the world of technology right now. Enjoy!

Those who forget past tech are doomed to be hacked http://buff.ly/1jE1xES

“Small & medium-sized businesses are facing a very similar struggle – affordable, reliable & intuitive data storage” http://buff.ly/1b8DICE

Facebook Is Putting The Data People Don’t Look At Often On 10000 Blu-Ray Discs http://buff.ly/1b8DUlh [wow!]

Data Storage QoS: Still Emerging, But Inevitable http://buff.ly/1fjiWRD

What SMBs should look for in a data storage solution http://buff.ly/1fjj5Ey [we can help!]

On premise still seen as far safer than cloud for data storage… http://buff.ly/1fjjmHM

There you have it! Until my next round up post.

Photo by: Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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